Video Tutorials

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Mastering cPanel: Essential Tutorials
How to Download Backup using cPanel?
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How to generate a cPanel backup and send it to FTP Server?
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How to restore a backup in cPanel?
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How to change Account password in cPanel?
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How to update your contact information in cPanel?
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How to change the style in cPanel?
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How to change language in cPanel?
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How to upload files via the cPanel File Manager?
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How to create a new file or folder in cPanel File Manager?
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How to Edit files in the cPanel File Manager?
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How to edit .htaccess file through cPanel File Manager?
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How to check disk usage of directory and bandwidth usage?
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How to create cron jobs via cPanel?
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How to edit or delete cron jobs via cPanel?
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How to change the PHP version on your domain using cPanel?
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How to Reset the PHP Version to the Default Version Using cPanel?
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How to Set the PHP Version per Domain using cPanel?
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How to Set the PHP Version per Folder?
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How to add A Record in cPanel using DNS Zone Editor?
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How to add an MX Record in cPanel using DNS Zone Editor?
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How to edit or delete MX Record in cPanel using DNS Zone Editor?
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How to add CNAME Record in cPanel using DNS Zone Editor?
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How to edit or delete CNAME Record in cPanel using DNS Zone Editor?
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How to edit or delete A Record in cPanel using DNS Zone Editor?
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How to Create an Additional Web Disk Account in cPanel?
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How to Access cPanel Web Disk?
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cPanel Database Mastery
How to create a database in cPanel?
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How to rename a database in cPanel?
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How to delete a database in cPanel?
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How to create a database username in cPanel?
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How to add a user to a database and assign privileges in cPanel?
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How to import database via phpMyAdmin in cPanel?
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How to export database tables via phpMyAdmin in cPanel?
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How to edit a database table via phpMyAdmin in cPanel?
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How to delete a database table via phpMyAdmin in cPanel?
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How to optimize database via phpMyAdmin in cPanel?
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How to Repair database via phpMyAdmin in cPanel?
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cPanel Domain Mastery
How to Park a Domain in cPanel?
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How to Remove Domain Alias or Parked Domain name in cPanel?
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How to Create Addon Domains in cPanel?
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How to Remove an Add-on Domain in cPanel?
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How to Redirect an Addon Domain in cPanel?
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How to Create a Subdomain in cPanel?
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How to Remove a Subdomain in cPanel?
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How to Redirect subdomain to an external URL in cPanel?
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How to Redirect your website to any page or external domain in cPanel?
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How to Remove Domain Redirect in cPanel?
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cPanel Email Mastery
How to create an Email Account in cPanel?
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How to change the password of your email account?
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How to Access your Email Account from cPanel Webmail?
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How to forward an email to Gmail, Yahoo or other email service providers?
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How to create or delete an Email Autoresponder?
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cPanel FTP Mastery
How to create a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Account in cPanel?
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How to change the password of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Account in cPanel?
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How to change the FTP User Quota in cPanel?
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How to Delete an FTP User account from cPanel?
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Mozilla Thunderbird Email Mastery
How to Setup a cPanel Email account with Mozilla Thunderbird?
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How to forward email in Mozilla Thunderbird?
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How to check for new email in Mozilla Thunderbird?
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How to send email using Mozilla Thunderbird?
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How to delete an email message in Mozilla Thunderbird?
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How to reply to email in Mozilla Thunderbird?
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Outlook 2019 Email Mastery
How to Set up a cPanel Email Account with Outlook 2019?
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How to Send Email Using Outlook 2019?
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How to Reply to an Email in Outlook 2019?
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How to Forward Email in Outlook 2019?
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How to Delete Email Messages in Outlook 2019?
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How to Check for New Email in Outlook 2019?
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FileZilla FTP Mastery
How to Install the FTP Client Filezilla on Windows?
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How to Access or Connect to Your FTP Account via the FileZilla FTP?
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How to Create or Delete a Directory Using the FileZilla FTP Client?
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How to upload Index file to your site using FileZilla?
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How to download files and folders to your computer using FileZilla?
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Mastering SolusVM: VPS Management
How to login to SolusVM Control Panel?
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How to check whether the VPS status is online or offline?
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How to Check the RAM of the VPS, the IP, the Disk Capacity, and the Virtualization Details?
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How to change the SolusVM Account email address?
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How to Enable or Disable the SolusVM VPS Login Alert?
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How to Change the SolusVM Control Panel Password?
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How to Reboot/Restart your VPS using SolusVM?
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How to Shutdown Your VPS Forcefully or Gracefully Using SolusVM?
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How to Start/Boot Your VPS Using SolusVM?
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How to Access Your VPS via VNC in SolusVM?
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How to Reinstall OS Using SolusVM OS-Reinstaller?
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How to Manually Install/Reinstall an OS, Using SolusVM for Customized Installation?
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How to Turn APIC, ACPI, VNC, or PAE On or Off in SolusVM?
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How to Change the Network Card to Virtio, Intel PRO, or Realtek in SolusVM?
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How to Change the Disk Driver to Virtio or IDE in SolusVM?
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How to Change Hostname from SolusVM?
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How to Change Your VPS OS Root/Admin Password Using SolusVM?
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How to Change the VNC Password in SolusVM?
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Virtualizor VPS Management Mastery
How to Login to Virtualizor Control Panel?
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How to Check Whether the VPS Status is "online" or "offline" in Virtualizor?
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How to Check VPS RAM, IP, Disk Capacity, and the Virtualization Details in Virtualizor?
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How to change the password of your Virtualizor account?
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How to Reboot or Restart Your VPS using Virtualizor?
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How to Shut Down Your VPS Forcefully or Gracefully via Virtualizor?
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How to Start or Boot Your VPS Using Virtualizor?
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How to Access Your VPS via VNC in Virtualizor?
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How to Reinstall OS using Virtualizor Automatic OS-Reinstaller?
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How to Manually Install or Reinstall an OS, Using Virtualizor for Customized Installation?
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How to Enable or Disable APIC, ACPI, and VNC in Virtualizor?
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How to Change Hostname from Virtualizor?
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How to Change Your VPS OS Root/Admin Password Using Virtualizor?
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How to Change the VNC Password in Virtualizor?
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How to Set Self Shutdown/Start/Reboot Timer for Your VPS in Virtualizor?
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How to Edit the Self Shutdown Timer in Virtualizor?
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How to Delete the Self Shutdown Timer in Virtualizor?
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How to Boot VPS in Rescue Mode Using Virtualizor?
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How to Disable Rescue mode in Virtualizor?
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WordPress Mastery: Essential Tutorials
How to Login to WordPress Admin Dashboard?
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How to Remove Sample Comments and Posts From WordPress?
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How to Write and Publish Your First Blog Post in WordPress?
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How to Remove a Post in WordPress?
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How to Bulk Delete Posts in WordPress?
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How to Add a New Category in WordPress?
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How to Delete an Uncategorized Category in WordPress?
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How to Delete Categories in WordPress?
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How to Install a New WordPress Theme?
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How to Install a WordPress Theme Manually?
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How to Delete a WordPress Theme?
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How to Install a WordPress Plugin?
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How to Manually Install a WordPress Plugin?
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How to Deactivate and Delete a WordPress Plugin?
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How to Forcefully Update or Reinstall a WordPress Plugin?
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How to Change the Password of a WordPress Account?
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How to Change the WordPress User's Display Name?
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